Thursday, August 03, 2006

Cancelled workout tonight :-(

Meet my new found friend this summer - "Dolphin"
So, I was set to go for a short 20-25K bike ride tonight with the "girls"... With rain & more thunderstorms on the forecast until 8:00 PM, I'd rather not be out on the open highway straddling an aluminum frame!

This summer, I have discovered how much I enjoy riding my bike (especially after getting it correctly fit). I've done all group rides, either with my training group, the girls or the "big ride" in Kingston last month. I feel so strong once I am out there & going. We did a big hill climb last Saturday and I was suppressed at how great I felt climbing it, yes I was in "granny gear" yet I still managed to pass a couple of people. Afterwards on our short run, Gabbi had this to say:

" you were so freaking fast when you blew by me on that hill!"

This means a lot coming from her - an IRONMAN!

If the roads were safer around here, I would love to do a couple of solo a week, but we just had our 12th cycle/auto related death here this week. There is such a stupid uproar in this city over where the cyclist belong (on the road!!!) I hesitate to go out on my own due to the aggressive drivers who don't want the cyclists in their way. No cycling lanes make it to iffy.

I guess I should have hit the pool instead of lounging about, but I really needed to clean up around here before the weekend... Now that it's all done, I now have the long weekend to myself ... Well, I really have pretty much any weekend to myself anymore, but that's beside the point...

1 comment:

Heather Moore said...

Your bike is beautiful!!!!